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Feeling depressed? You may blame your genes

Major depression often develops into a chronic illness which is ...

Diabetic foot problems? Get the solution here!

Health care professionals can collect data on their patients and use that ...


What does Healthy Snacking Look Like?

<p>Eating a healthy snack is an athlete's goal but what does it look like? What are the best snacks for athletes to focus on and plan to eat during...

18-Dec-2021 WaveOn

How Much Sleep Do Athletes Need Each Night?

<p>Getting adequate rest and recovery is critical but also very challenging in the fast pace lifestyle of an athlete. How much sleep is really needed...

18-Dec-2021 WaveOn

How Much Protein Do I Need Post-Workout?

<p>If a little is good then more is better? Does that apply to protein supplementation? How much protein does an athlete need to consume each...

18-Dec-2021 WaveOn

How Can I Tell if I’m Hydrated?

<p>Staying properly hydrated at all times allows your body to perform at optimum levels. Learn how to assess your hydration status to avoid...

18-Dec-2021 WaveOn

What are the Real Benefits for Athletes Eating Breakfast?

<p>Getting started each day on a positive note all starts with eating a great breakfast or is that really true? What are the real benefits of eating...

18-Dec-2021 WaveOn

Fueling Football Players: Easy or Hard?

<p>Fueling a busy and very active football player can be a big challenge. Lisa is up for the challenge. Known globally as The Running Nutritionist ®...

17-Dec-2021 WaveOn
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