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Feeling depressed? You may blame your genes

Major depression often develops into a chronic illness which is ...

Diabetic foot problems? Get the solution here!

Health care professionals can collect data on their patients and use that ...


Aging healthfully – Genetically explained!

<p class="ql-align-justify">As life progresses from a phase to another, aging comes as an inevitable landmark in the path. But would aging be taken...

29-Jul-2020 PatientMD

Four Indigenous Ways to Ensure a Radiant Skin in Holi 2020

<p>The legend says that Lord Krishna was not happy with his body complexion and wished to have something identical to that of his beloved Radha. It...

29-Jul-2020 PatientMD

Top Tips and DIYs for Acne

<p class="ql-align-justify">Our skin has tiny holes which are called as pores. These pores can get blocked by dirt, oil, bacteria and dead skin...

25-Jun-2020 PatientMD
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