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Feeling depressed? You may blame your genes

Major depression often develops into a chronic illness which is ...

Diabetic foot problems? Get the solution here!

Health care professionals can collect data on their patients and use that ...


Seven Ways to take care of your mental health during the lockdown period

<p>With the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic and cries for social distancing ringing out loud across social media platforms, the news of the...

25-Jun-2020 PatientMD

Feeling depressed? You may blame your genes

<p class="ql-align-justify">Life is never a bed of roses for us as the light and darkness are intertwined . We dwell through many happy and sad...

24-Jun-2020 PatientMD

Mental Health: How important is it?

<p class="ql-align-justify">The thought, feeling and behavior of an individual is highly dependent on the mental health. Mental health provides an...

24-Jun-2020 PatientMD
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