When do you really need to visit the physician for that sinus infection?

When Should You See A Doctor About Sinus Problems?

Sneezing and a runny nose are annoying symptoms of the common cold. But when you add pain and pressure, there's a good chance you have a sinus infection. Many people feel that a cold is annoying but a sinus infection is something to be dreaded.

For millions of Americans, the season of spring and autumn spell misery, resulting in chronic allergy problems, colds, and even the possibility of a sinus infection.

Now, what is a Sinus Infection?

Sinus infections are very common also called sinusitis. You have four pairs of mucus-producing sinuses. Three pairs are between your eyes, above and behind. Along the sides of your nose, you have the fourth pair of sinuses. These sinuses are hollow, but they fill with fluid if they become blocked and the mucus can not drain, causing sinusitis. A gentle tap of your finger on the face near an infected sinus is often extremely painful.

Causes of Sinusitis

Sinus infections have multiple causes such as asthma, bacterial infections allergies, and cold among other causes. Acute sinus infections are either bacterial or viral. Sinus infections that get better in ten days are typically viral infections, whereas those that do not improve after ten days are most likely caused by a bacterial infection.  

Sinus infections can be a serious issue, and it is critical to always prioritize your health. The best sinus infection treatment online is still the one that is prescribed by a Family Practice Physician in New Jersey who knows your medical history and has thoroughly reviewed your current medical case.

Common Causes of Sinus Infection


Sinus infections are either caused by viruses or bacteria but they can also be caused by fungi. Although sinusitis is a very common condition, some individuals have a higher risk of developing the infection. They include people who:

Have nasal congestion from a cold or allergy

Have blocked drain ducts

Have asthma

Have abnormalities in the nasal passages, such as nasal polyps or a deformity

Have a weakened immune system  


Sinusitis symptoms

When the space around your nasal passages, or sinuses, is swollen, sinus infections occur. As a result, the drainage of the sinuses slows down, causing mucus to develop. This buildup is what prompts stuffy noses and as a result irritation.

Two types of sinus infections are present: acute sinusitis and chronic sinusitis. Acute sinusitis has a duration of up to 4 weeks, while the chronic form of sinusitis lasts more than twelve weeks and sometimes lasts for multiple months or years. For the more common acute sinusitis, the symptoms include cough, yellow or green-colored discharge from the nose or throat, congestion, tenderness, and pressure around the eyes, and a decreased sense of smell and taste. Additional symptoms can include fever, headache, tiredness, and pain in the upper jaw similar to toothache, ear and teeth, sleep disorder, swelling around the nose, eyes, and eyelids.

When to visit a physician for a Sinus Infection?

Acute sinusitis often goes away on its own; however, if self-care does not work, there are times when you should see your physician for treatment for the sinus infection. If you still have symptoms of sinusitis after a week, or if they return more than a few times within a year, you should definitely see a doctor. You may utilize Telemedicine Services New Jersey to see a doctor as soon as possible if the infection worsens.

Signs of a worsening sinus infection include:


Increase in pain or the pain spreads

Over-the-counter pain medications do not relieve the pain

Increase in nasal discharge

Consult a physician from the comfort of your home

Are you wondering if seeing the doctor is even worth it?

When you are sick, the last thing you want to do is deal with the hassle of driving and waiting around in a physician's office. PatientMD assists Mobile Medicine New Jersey to offer convenient HIPAA compliant online video consultation to their patients. Telemedicine is an integral part of healthcare nowadays. Connect with our expert physicians, Dr. Adil Manzoor and Dr. Diana Larrea over e-consultations to receive a personalized treatment plan and feel better, faster. If you are exhibiting sinus infection symptoms, our physicians are always there to provide medical advice and treatment.

Sinus infections can be quite painful, but they usually go away with treatment or on their own. If you have frequent sinus infections or one that doesn't respond to your home treatments, see your doctor for an evaluation. You'll feel back to normal in no time with the appropriate medication and follow-up care!