9 to 7 schedule? Worried about fitness? We have got is covered for you!

Hectic schedules and deadlines keep chasing you all the time.

Hectic schedules and deadlines keep chasing you all the time. This means that you tend to ignore issues concerning your health and fitness because you have no time to think about such issues. Unhealthy habits and sedentary lifestyle give rise to certain health-related problems in modern-day working professionals. These problems include abnormal weight loss or weight gain, gastroenterological problems, high or low blood pressure, or even depression.

We understand that everything work related takes priority in your lives. But you cannot afford to forget that your body and mind go through immense exhaustion and stress to keep up with your schedules and to help you achieve professional success. Here are some simple tips for you to take care of your health and fitness better.

Do not skip meals

Are you a regular meal-skipper? You surely must be hoping that if you eat fewer meals, you will be taking in lesser calories and lose weight with more success? You cannot be more wrong.

Skipping a single meal results in a drop in your body’s blood glucose levels. And if you are skipping breakfast, your body does not even get the opportunity to start the day on the right note. You will feel tired and foggy in general. Without a steady supply of nutrients, you tend to be irritable and to have mood swings. If you do not replenish your body’s fuel supply, the energy stored within the muscle will be broken down, and your strength will be sapped.

Our body needs a certain amount of vitamins and minerals in a day. These are vital to basic body processes such as growth and development, disease prevention and overall well-being. You should focus on consuming nutritious, well-rounded meals in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Most importantly, skipping a meal makes you feel hungrier when it is time for your next meal. As a result, you tend to consume more calories than you would have otherwise. A plethora of detrimental health concerns will plague you if you go on having repeated cycles of skipping meals and then binging.

Listen to your body. It will let you know when you are hungry and when you are full. You will be able to consume an appropriate amount of calories if you eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. It is that simple. Do not wait until you are starving to eat. Have healthy meals and snacks throughout the day.

As a working professional, it is very natural that time will be an issue for you. You need to plan ahead to have some foods available that you can eat on the run. Rather than skipping meals to skip weight, try and adopt healthier eating patterns.

Say no to junk food

You have no time to cook, and when it is lunch time, junk food is the easiest option available. Yes, it is mouthwatering, but at the same time, it is calorie dense and nutritionally poor. Do you even know what you are putting in your body to save some cooking time?

Junk foods are processed food that is high in fat, sugar, and salt. They are prepared to look appealing and you are chemically programmed to ask for more. Once you fall prey to it, your intake of excess fat, simple carbohydrates, and processed sugar increases. This leads to a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases and obesity, among other chronic health problems. The basis of an impending heart attack may be laid, because the resulting obesity may begin clogging up your arteries.

Once you are a junk food addict, you tend to reject healthier food options like salads, vegetables, and fruits, that leads to further lack of nourishment. Strictly say no to trans fats or refined grains. An occasional treat may never hurt you, but you need to consciously look out against regular consumption of junk food, at the expense of healthy nutrition.

As a working professional, you may not have enough time to cook. In this case, prepare your meal a night before. Even refrigerated but the home-cooked food is much healthier than eating junk food.

Reduce alcohol intake

You just spent the whole week juggling meetings, presentations and sessions with your clients. The weekend is here, and it is time to unwind. And most likely you find alcohol to be a great stress-buster when it comes to relaxing. But is it really one?

Alcohol slows down your brain activity and can mask feelings of stress, pressure and anxiety. But over time, heavy drinking interferes with the workings of neurotransmitters, that are needed for good mental health. In the long run, alcohol can contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety, thereby making stress harder to deal with.

It does not end there. You can also develop serious problems and chronic diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, digestive problems, and even alcoholism.

It is perfectly alright to drink just a little now and then, and feel your mood lift, or put your worries behind to become more carefree. But do not let it put you in a vicious circle where you have to drink more and more until your life is totally under the control of alcohol.

Instead of depending on alcohol, open a good book, take a hot bath, get some exercise, or do anything that you enjoy. Learn to relax without alcohol and it will help you cope better with your work stress and a busy schedule.

Drink enough water

One of the healthiest habits you can adopt is staying hydrated. But in most cases, we drink water only when we feel like. This should not be the case. You need to keep yourself hydrated all the time so that every part of your body keeps working properly. As you breathe, sweat, or pass urine throughout the day, you keep losing water. But to stay healthy, you need to replace this lost fluid.

More often than not, you mistake hunger for thirst. You would feel just as full if you downed some water instead of those junk foods. Increasing your daily water intake by one to three cups means you will be eating less.

Drinking water before and during a meal can decrease your appetite and assist in weight loss. If you choose foods with high water content like watermelon and cucumber, that is helpful too.

You need six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. When you get up in the morning, before you grab that cup of coffee or tea, drink a glass of water. At work, keep a water bottle by your desk. Take sips regularly. If you do not want to drink plain water, put a slice of lime or lemon in it. Give yourself the wellness boost today and start drinking more water.

Get more sleep

To stay on top of your game, you tend to burn the candle at both ends. This often means that you are regularly cutting back on sleep or subsisting on the bare minimum. Do you think that sleeping is time wasted and that you are getting enough rest anyway? But you may not be as well-rested as you think yourself to be.

If you have been scraping by on a few hours of sleep a night, you might not be in as good shape as you would like to believe. Long-term sleep deprivation can result in significant physical and cognitive impairment. A lack of sleep affects motivation, decision-making abilities, creativity, and analytical thinking.

Sleep deprivation increases the likelihood of accidents and errors, as well as the risk of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. It also results in the impairment of the immune system. Staying well-rested will improve your mood and keep you healthy.

Busy schedules might be encroaching on rest, but you need to remember that sleep is actually time well spent. Create enough time for sleep and you will be better at work because when you are well-rested, you make fewer errors and have better mental acuity.

When you are tempted to burn the midnight oil, make a conscious effort to think about the positive advantages of sleep. Remember a few workday habits that will help support proper rest. Get natural sunlight during the day. Take a lunchtime walk. Work by a window. Take regular breaks from computer screens throughout the day.

Sleep well so you can set the stage for mental and physical health. It will make it easier for you to accomplish goals and excel.

Ending Note

The things listed above are simple and within your reach. Apart from following them, if you manage to take time out to work out for even 15 minutes a day, it can work wonders for your health and fitness. You may not have the time to hit a gym, but you can start by simply taking a walk. Set health goals today and soon you will be well on your way to not only a successful but a fit professional.