Controlling the COVID-19 Pandemic Through Telemedicine

Telemedicine in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic

The 2019 novel coronavirus has affected several dozens of countries worldwide. Over 4500 mortalities are reported and more than 12500 confirmed cases of infection are registered in over 100 nations across the globe. The outbreak has created an unprecedented level of interest in people concerning digital health care. PatientMD joins the global war against COVID-19 by offering Telemedicine Solutions to patients  

Chatbots, video visits, and secure messaging could be employed for performing preliminary screening and patient triage for the suspected individuals. For instance, emerging health care platforms like PatientMD has recently rolled out its state-of-the-art telemedicine delivery system at no cost to the consumers. Symptomatic patients could receive guidance through those virtual visits so that they are able to take necessary measures and undergo clinical examination in such a manner that guarantees minimal extent of exposure to the health care providers and other patients.  

Secure messaging and video consults could be engaged as well to remotely monitor and provide care for persons with less-critical symptoms who have chosen to take refuge in their residences. For instance, a patient could ask the physician through PatientMD’s telemedicine channel to virtually monitor the body temperature and symptoms for assessing if the affected individual in question could be allowed to safely stay at home or must ask for in-person care without any delay.