Top Tips and DIYs for Acne

Homemade Beauty Tips for Pimples

Our skin has tiny holes which are called as pores. These pores can get blocked by dirt, oil, bacteria and dead skin cells. When such happens, a pimple or zit may develop on your skin and when the skin is affected repeatedly by such a condition then you may develop acne. Acne is one of the most common conditions of the skin in the US. Even though acne is not a life-threatening condition, it is painful and it can even be severe. The occurrence of acne on your face can have a massive impact on your self-esteem. It may also lead to permanent scarring thereby resulting in emotional distress. There are however a number of ways by which you can treat acne that can reduce the number of pimples along with the chance of scarring. 

Symptoms of acne:

You may find acne on any parts of your body but it may most commonly develop on areas such as face, chest, shoulders and neck. Pimples might appear and they might be either black or white. Such whiteheads or blackheads can appear on your skin which is typically known as comedones. Whiteheads are closed under the surface of the skin while giving a white appearance while blackheads open up at the surface of the skin giving a black appearance due to exposure to oxygen. Even though whiteheads and blackheads are the most common type of acne there are other types as well. These are

Papules: Caused by infected hair follicles, these are small red bumps.

Pustules: Red pimples with pus at the tips.

Nodules: Solid and painful lumps found under the surface of the skin.

Cysts: Large lumps found under the surface of the skin that are painful and that contains pus.

Causes of acne:

Acne mainly occurs when the pores get blocked. Each of the pores is the opening to a follicle and such a follicle is made up of a sebaceous gland and a hair. The oil gland releases oil that travels up out of the pore and then on to the skin. The sebum makes your skin soft and lubricated. Due to some problems in the lubrication process, acne appears. The problems that result in the development of pimples include:

  • Excess oil produced by the follicles
  • Bacteria build up and dead skin cells

You will see a zit after the oil is not able to escape and a bacterium grows in the clogged pore.

Risk factors:

There are a few myths about what is the contributing factor to acne. According to many people, some foods such as French fries and chocolate contributes to acne. Even though there are no scientific claims of such myths, there are a few risk factors for developing acne. The risk factors for developing acne include the following:

  • Medications such as birth control pills.
  • Hormonal changes that are caused by puberty or pregnancy.
  • A diet that is composed mainly of carbohydrates or refined sugar.
  • A family history of acne.

Mostly young people are at the risk of developing acne during puberty as at this point only the body undergoes a number of changes due to hormones. Such hormonal changes can lead to an increase in the risk of developing acne. The acne that results due to hormonal changes tends to disappear when you reach adulthood.

Home remedies:

There are a number of home remedies for treating acne, however, all of them are not supported by research. It is also not clear if diet plays a role in worsening the condition for acne. A diet that is a good source of vitamin A and vitamin E might lower the risk of severe acne. The link between acne and diet is controversial however according to a few studies, a diet with low glycemic index might help in such a condition.

Tea tree oil:

This essential oil is mildly antiseptic and it also has mild anti-inflammatory features. Just take a few drops of the oil on a cotton pad and then apply it to the affected area. You may leave the oil for a few hours or even overnight.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apply a DIY toner that is made of one part of apple cider vinegar and 4 parts of water. Use this toner on all over your face with a cotton ball. This will help in killing the bacteria residing on the surface of the skin.

Lemon Juice:

Lemon juice is a natural astringent and antioxidant. It also contains citric acid and you may apply it with a cotton ball directly onto your skin and leave it overnight.

Baking soda:

Baking soda is dry in nature and so it removes oil and it is also a great exfoliant. There are a number of uses of baking soda which includes acne-clearing facial mask and cleanser. Make a paste of three parts of baking soda with one part of water and then rub this mixture on the face with gentle strokes. Leave this mixture for a few minutes before washing it off with warm water.


Garlic has mild antibacterial and antiseptic properties. You may apply this topically or include it in your diet. It also has anti-clotting and anti-cancer properties. Make a paste of a crushed garlic and water and then apply it directly on to the blemish and wash it off after five minutes.

Banana peel:

The inside skin of the banana peel works as a cure for plantar warts and so it can also be applied for pimples. Rub the peel over the affected area for a few minutes before washing it off.

Egg whites:

Egg whites are rich in protein and vitamins that help in tightening the skin while drawing out oil. This might help in unclogging the pores and reduce inflammation. Apply egg whites over the problem areas before rinsing it off with plain water after it has dried up.

Raw potato:

Potatoes are anti-inflammatory and they have been applied to bruises and wounds from a long time. The niacin content of potatoes can help in lightening acne marks. Apply shredded white potato like a mask and then massage for a few minutes.


Honey has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties which can be used as a face mask. You may also spot treat a pimple by directly applying honey on the pimple, leave it for five minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. For such application, you will need to use raw honey that aids in wound-healing.


Cucumbers are used to reduce puffiness of the eye’s, right? Now apply it over your acne and see the swelling reducing. Cucumbers are full of vitamin C and are hydrating and cooling for the skin. The discomfort from acne can be used with the use of cucumbers.

Orange Peel:

The overall appearance of the skin can be improved with the use of orange peel. Make a paste of the peel with water and then rub it onto the skin. The peel is rich in vitamin C which is highly beneficial for skin regeneration.


Toothpaste helps in spot-treating a pimple but you must ensure that you are using only the white part. The ingredients of the white part i.e., hydrogen peroxide and baking soda help in treating acne if you leave it on the acne for a few hours. This is however not recommended if you have sensitive skin as a toothpaste is made for the mouth and not for the skin.

How to prevent them?

You may adopt a few ways by which you can prevent the occurrence of pimples and clear the acne. The basic ways by which you can do so are:

  • Clean your skin with a mild soap so as to remove excess oil and dirt.
  • Shampoo your hair regularly and ensure that your hair is out of your face.
  • Use makeup that is water-based.
  • Not wearing hats or tight headbands.
  • Not touching your face often.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Remove makeup before bedtime

Even after taking all the necessary precautions, you may still have to deal with the problem of acne. In such cases, you might think of seeking medical advice. A doctor will prescribe medication that can help in decreasing the symptoms and prevent from scarring.

  • Antibiotics will kill the bacteria that result in pimples. However, antibiotics are used only for a short period of time as the body might build up resistance while leaving you prone to infection.
  • Prescribed topical creams will help in reducing oil production and open pores.
  • Birth control pills can treat the acne that is caused due to hormonal changes.

Your doctor may even provide additional procedures to help combat the severe situation. So, book your appointment soon by visiting the website, .