Contact Dermatitis: when should you contact a rash specialist
Contact dermatitis: Diagnosis & treatment
Contact dermatitis is a type of skin inflammation that appears once the skin has come in contact with certain substances. This is one of the most known types of dermatitis among common people, along with atopic and allergic dermatitis, and it affects the superficial regions of the skin. It is good to know and understand what causes contact dermatitis to prevent future occurrences.
The skin infection is caused by the effects certain irritants have on the skin. The three most common types of contact dermatitis are irritant contact dermatitis (ICD), allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), and contact urticaria.
Causes of contact dermatitis
To this day, the cause of dermatitis, in general, has not been determined, yet scientists have observed certain factors that influence every type of dermatitis. When we talk about contact dermatitis, the cause of dermatitis could be an underlying condition such as allergies or reactions to substances, chemicals, or medications. However, there seems to be also a genetic predisposition to develop dermatitis. Studies show that children who have both parents with allergies or dermatitis are at significantly higher risk of developing contact dermatitis and other allergic conditions. And although this information doesn't reveal to us the cause of contact dermatitis, it certainly helps us understand better one of the influencing factors. For the onset of contact dermatitis, various allergenic or allergy-causing substances may be cited. But reported cases of this kind of skin infection point to several factors or things that trigger the reaction. If you are from homer glen, then visit a Rash Specialist Doctor homer glen to get the best medical assistance.
Soaps and perfumes are the most common sources of allergenic contact dermatitis. It is because the use of such substances is somehow inevitable that makes the problem hard to contain. Contact dermatitis can also be caused by your skin's reaction to drool, to detergents, to several allergy-causing foods, and lotions, especially those with harsh ingredients. Some plants are also identified for the production of enzymes that can lead to contact dermatitis. These plants include the poison ivy. There are also around 3,000 chemicals identified as causing contact dermatitis. Among them are those founded on common metals such as mercury, chromium, and nickel. Some cosmetics can also irritate the skin and trigger the manifestation of contact dermatitis in the skin. The identified cosmetic lines that cause such skin infection are permanent hair colors, eye shadows, lipstick, clothing dyes, sunscreens, and nail polishes.
Symptoms of contact dermatitis
Several symptoms signal the onset of contact dermatitis. It should, however, be noted that the symptoms may vary for different individuals. To be sure, further advice and checkup from a rash specialist should be obtained. Below mentioned are a few signs of contact dermatitis:
Allergic contact dermatitis:
- Skin reddening
- Blisters that ooze (Fluid from blisters are not contagious.Â
- Itching which can become intense
- Swelling in face, eyes and genital areas (severe cases)
Irritant contact dermatitis:
- Mild swelling
- Stiff, tight-feeling skin
- Dry, cracking skin
- Blisters
- Painful ulcers
Symptoms vary, depending on the cause of dermatitis.
How to know if you have contact dermatitis?
If you have a skin rash that won't go away, visit Rash Specialist homer glen. If the physician suspects allergic contact dermatitis, patch tests may be performed. In this test, the doctor places small samples of chemicals on a skin area to see if there is a rash. You can book an online appointment with the rash specialists of Suburban Wellness through PatientMD from the comfort of your home or office. Blood tests can not make the diagnosis of contact dermatitis. All the products that are in contact with your skin should be mentioned, even if you only use certain products once a month, or if the product was used after the rash started. With either type of contact dermatitis, the substances you suspect can be avoided to see if the rash will go away.
Treatment and prevention
To treat contact dermatitis, experts advise people diagnosed that have the skin infection to do the following simple, yet effective remedies.
- Wash the infected skin part thoroughly with soap and ample water. At the initial appearance of symptoms, do so immediately.
- Throw away or carefully wash away all clothes and objects that come into contact or have touched plants or chemicals that contain allergens to the contact dermatitis.
- Relieve and soothe skin inflammation or the infected part, especially if the blisters break or crack, with a cold compress.
- Do not hesitate to consult a rash specialist.
- Besides, baths that use lukewarm water are known to help soothe and control skin infection quickly.
As for prevention, the best way is to avoid all the allergens identified.
If you think you suffer from contact dermatitis, consult a doctor as soon as possible. They will recommend treatment accordingly.