Eight Things You Probably Never Tried To Manage Pre-diabetes

Pre-diabetes - Your Chance to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

You may or may not know it already. According to the latest data from the CDC or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the USA, a whopping eighty-six millions of people in the country are diagnosed with pre-diabetes, which translates to thirty-seven in every hundred adult Americans aged twenty over and fifty-one in every hundred adult Americans aged sixty-five or over. Research suggests that about seventy in every hundred pre-diabetic individuals are to eventually develop type two diabetes. However, what is even scarier, perhaps, is the fact that just eleven in every hundred persons with pre-diabetes are aware of it.

Fortunately, you can prevent the odds of progressing to or at least delay the development of type two diabetes from the prediabetic phase. Various research studies performed during the previous thirty years indicate that timely and aggressive management with continued watchfulness over the years can potentially prevent or even discourage the manifestation of type two diabetes. The sooner you are to identify the condition, prepare an appropriate plan of action and start following it, the better your health will be. 

Here are the most significant ways that are to help you manage pre-diabetes. Go through each of them carefully before consulting any of the best diabetes doctors at Homer Glen in Illinois.


If you have anyone with type two diabetes or pre-diabetes in your immediate family, carry some extra pounds on your abdomen, or lead a sedentary lifestyle, then the risk of pre-diabetes tends to be comparatively more for people like you. The very first step that you are required to take is to undergo the T2DRT or Type Two Diabetes Risk Test, devised by the ADA or American Diabetes Association, and if it turns out that you belong to the high-risk group, visit your care provider without any delay for monitoring your blood sugar level, or more preferably, get an A1C done as early as possible. Do note that the latter is known as HbA1c, hemoglobin A1C, glycohemoglobin, or glycated hemoglobin as well and is routinely performed to assess your mean blood glucose over sixty to ninety days.


It is a well-known fact that the greatest reason for a steady and slow pre-diabetes onset is insulin resistance, a condition when your body does not make effective use of the produced insulin anymore because of genetic risk factors and excess weight. Furthermore, in addition to insulin resistance, its production will also continue to reduce over time. It is very much evident from the contemporary research that both compromised insulin production and insulin resistance are to occur prior to being diagnosed as prediabetic and several years before the development of type two diabetes. It is likely that some individuals can continue to produce the required insulin volume, which turns out not to be the case for the rest. The key to managing prediabetes is reversing your insulin resistance and maximizing the insulin sensitivity of your system by shedding unnecessary weight or maintaining an appropriate weight along with being physically active and leading a non-sedentary life. Studies confirm that by just having thirty minutes of physically demanding activity every day, such as walking along with getting rid of five to seven percent of your initial body weight and keeping those pounds off, as many as you possibly could, can indeed lower the odds of developing type two diabetes.


Studies shows that if you care to shed excess flab, even as less as ten to twenty pounds, it can offer you near-miraculous health advantages, such as reduced blood glucose, improved cholesterol, reduced hypertension, reduced sleep apnea, improvement in your sleep quality, reduction in joint pressure, significant energy boost, and even lower the odds of a number of cancers like those of colon and breast. To suffice, it is imperative for you to diligently sustain your weight loss as much as you could to continue reaping these health benefits. It is advised to visit a healthcare clinic at Homer Glen in Illinois for learning about the different training programs in accordance with your preferences and requirements.


Begin with a comprehensive strategy that effectively allows you to integrate an increased number of physical activity in your daily routine. Ditch the elevator and try taking the stairs more often than not, park your vehicle far away from your destinations, and get off the train or bus a stop earlier so that you can walk more. Also, there is simply no harm in using longer routes for school, office, home, and other places that you usually flock to spend some additional calories. Have a list in the first place and start trying them out. Make an honest attempt to reduce your idle time as well, which is essentially the length of time one remains seated at a table or desk or on a couch. Research supports that minimizing sedentary behavior can have an immensely favorable impact on your blood pressure, lipids, glucose, and metabolic health. 


You have to make your muscles contract by resisting to an opposing force in resistance training, which is no doubt an incredibly effective mean of strengthening your muscle tissues and addressing the issue of muscle loss from the natural aging process. There is a pressing need for all the prediabetics to engage in resistance training for improving insulin sensitivity, and thus, reducing their blood glucose levels. Do remember to complement your resistance training twice or thrice every week with periodic aerobic activity. It is highly recommended to get about half an hour of aerobic activity almost every day to reduce your blood pressure, insulin resistance, and boost cholesterol more than those accomplished by the resistance training alone. 


Do a critical and elaborate review of your food portions to start watching your calories and gradually incorporate small changes in your daily diet in place of beginning with a rigid eating plan right away in the event of attempting to alter your long-term food consumption patterns. If you happen to be similar to most Americans, you are likely consuming too much starchy foods, meat, sweets, bread, and perhaps, you are having too much of the low-nutrition, junk-calorie-laden drinks as well. The time is now to get acquainted with how much you consume and try reducing your portions. Always remember that a smaller sandwich, seventy-five percent less potatoes every serving (assuming that you typically have a quarter cup of them), less (an ounce) meat every serving, everything gets add up. Also, if you consume sugary drinks, trade them for calorie-neutral beverages, such as water and green tea while not forgetting to refrain from all kinds of caffeinated drinks, including the so-called diet beverages, sparkling water, and processed juices. 


Fiber is simply fantastic for your health and we cannot agree more! You should ensure that you are having it aplenty on a daily basis and your ideal target should be consuming more than twenty-five grams of dietary fiber every day, such as fiber-rich beans, whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits. It is observed that most Americans get less than the prescribed minimum amount of fiber from their diet. Fiber is just terrific, trust us, and you must include all the known kinds in everything that you are having every day, for instance, fiber that provides you with bulk, such as psyllium husk and wheat flour to reduce constipation, fiber that offers a gel-like attribute, such as the beta-glucan in barley and oats for lowering the blood sugar, and fiber that helps in fermentation, such as resistant-starch-containing underripe bananas and beans or similar legumes to increase your insulin sensitivity


With eighty-six million persons diagnosed as prediabetic, never buy the thought that you are alone. While it is likely to be challenging and overwhelming for many, there is help and all that you need to do is reach out. Ask for support from your family, coworkers, friends, and anyone going through similar experiences. Do consider teaming up with such likeminded individuals for success, and search for support groups at your workplace or place of worship, which aim to lead a healthier life. Look for relevant programs on the web, your neighborhood community centers, or at the local chapter of Young Men’s Christian Association, more popularly known as the YMCA. With the introduction of the ACA or Affordable Care Act, the National Diabetes Prevention or NDP initiative was realized under the aegis of DDT or Division of Diabetes Translation at the CDC. The primary objective of the stated program is to prevent the development of type two diabetes from prediabetes for the high-risk individuals by involving them in a twelve-month long group training imparted by a qualified lifestyle expert. You can visit the CDC website to find out if your area is organizing or will host anything alike. 


It will not be wise to try accomplishing all these at once. Begin with something that you believe you will be able to implement with reasonable ease and do wait to experience success with your initial goals before adding a few more to your list of achievements. The moral of the story is that success breeds success.