Why Should You Exercise Everyday to Keep the Diabetes Away

The importance of exercise when you have diabetes

If you are diagnosed with type two diabetes, then the physical activity is a must and should be treated as integral to your treatment regimen. It is also equally critical to subscribe to a healthy diet and keep your blood sugar level within the safe limits by insulin intake or medication if required.

If you have cared to remain active and fit throughout your life, you will be in a much better position to manage your diabetes and maintain your blood glucose within the normal range. In order to prevent the odds of long-term complications, such as kidney disease and neuropathic pain, it is imperative for you to control your blood sugar level and ensure that it does not go beyond the upper and lower thresholds.

Your overall physical and mental well-being will be greatly improved with periodic exercise, particularly if you are to have type two diabetes. It is highly recommended to consult an internal medicine specialist at Homer Glen in Illinois (or wherever you may require in the USA) and get the necessary approval before engaging any physical activity on your own.


Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and who was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves but to God. (1 Corinthians 6:19)

Exercise has several advantages and the greatest one among them is that it immensely helps you in controlling your blood glucose. Individuals with type two diabetes have a much higher amount of blood sugar, either as enough insulin is not being produced, or as their system is insulin resistant and unable to make proper use of it.

Exercise can reduce your blood glucose in both cases. Muscles can utilize the sugar that your body has accumulated at exercise time. To put it in simple terms, the moment you indulge in any physical exercise, your muscles are to receive the glucose they require, which, in turn, brings down your blood sugar and it does not matter whether you do not have adequate insulin or are resistant to it.

Exercise increases your insulin efficiency in the event you are diagnosed as insulin resistant, which means your insulin resistance will come down when you are to exercise, and your cells will be able to make use of the glucose in a more efficient fashion.

If you have type two diabetes, by choosing to involve in physical exercise, you will be able to avoid long-term complications as well, particularly heart disease. The diabetic people are more susceptible to develop block arteries that may eventually result in a stroke or a cardiac arrest. Exercise helps you in maintaining a strong and healthy heart. It also aids you in increasing good cholesterol levels while bringing down the bad ones along with discouraging the plaque accumulation over time that may prevent the blood from traveling freely through your arteries.

The standard benefits of exercise are listed below.

✅ Reduces blood pressure

✅ Better manages your body weight

✅ Boosts good cholesterol levels

✅ Makes your muscles stronger and leaner

✅ Makes your bones stronger

✅ Gives you more energy

✅ Enhances your mood

✅ Helps you to have a better sleep

✅ Aids you in controlling stress

However, you must remember to visit any of the best diabetes doctors at Homer Glen in Illinois (or wherever you may need in the country) to be appropriately advised about the types of exercise that are to work best for you. Admittedly, a vast majority of the individuals are already overweight, the day they came to know that they have type two diabetes, and the very idea of exercising is likely to turn out as unnerving at the first instance for most of them.

Your consultant diabetes physician will evaluate your heart health and it is particularly vital in the event you already have hypertension or blocked arteries. You are required to consider any other complications associated with diabetes as well, such as neuropathy or retinopathy, to name a few. As you are to start an exercise plan, a diabetes educator or an exercise physiologist will be referred accordingly for assisting you in the process of zeroing in on the most suitable exercise routine that will allow you to accomplish the prescribed shape as per your fitness level.

You should be setting realistic targets before beginning your exercise program. If you did not exercise much in recent times, it is strictly suggested to start in a gradual manner and then increment the intensity and amount of the activity.

Ensure that you remain hydrated by consuming ample water and never forget to carry a frugal solution for low blood sugar with you. For instance, how about a fifteen-gram carbohydrate snack bar?! It is indeed a wise idea to monitor your blood glucose with a portable sugar meter prior to and after exercise for ensuring that it is within the stipulated limits. You can readily purchase such nifty gadgets online or from your local pharmacy. Simply ask for an intelligent glucometer that attaches with the 3.5 mm audio port of your smartphone and reads the strip carrying your blood sample when ready.

Though being tested positive for type two diabetes does alters your life, incorporating little changes in your routine can aid you in having more physical activity throughout the day. You need to practice anything and everything that can be deemed appropriate for your physique and the life you lead.

Rome was not built in a day! It will take a while for sure to graduate to a consistent and challenging exercise regimen. There is no harm in going slow and your body will be able to reap long-term benefits by doing so.


Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. (1 Corinthians 9:24)

There are three major types of exercise, namely, flexibility training, aerobic, and strength training. You must strive to have all the three in ideal proportion.


Try doing a minimum of thirty minutes of cardio on most weekdays, and if you are not able to do it at a stretch for whatsoever reason, you can divide it accordingly and perform the exercise throughout the day. For instance, you do ten minutes of cardio here and there, attempting at least half an hour at the day end.

A few of the most popular and beneficial exercises are as follows.

✅ Tennis

✅ Walking

✅ Jogging or running

✅ Dancing and Zumba

✅ Swimming

✅ Basketball

✅ Biking

Set an initial target of thirty minutes and gradually reach this goal by adding a couple of minutes to every exercise or walk on alternate week until you are capable of managing twenty to thirty minutes without any break. However, it is not the end of the road and you have miles to go before you sleep! Keep adding the minutes to increase the duration over time and eventually make it sixty or even ninety per day to continue to improve your fitness level.

Do make liberal use of your creativity to schedule your exercise. For instance, take a stroll at lunchtime or take your entire family for a basketball match after the dinner. Walk your dog, take the stairs, ditch the elevator, and remember to park your car as far as you can from the convenience store, so that you can have more opportunity to walk and keep your body in good shape.

You should find a way for your exercise that you are to enjoy or you will lose interest and cease doing it. Even if you are aware of all the advantages of exercise, it will be a challenging task to remain motivated. Join group sessions at your local gymnasium or befriend someone to run or walk with. It makes exercising more motivating and fun when someone else is also participating in the activity.


Once you are to make aerobic activity integral to your routine, you can begin to diversify your fitness program with some resistance training.

Strength training effectively makes your muscles efficient and lean. These resistance-type activities, accompanied by jogging or walking, also facilitates the development of healthy and strong bones. Having more muscle mass instead of fat is especially beneficial for the diabetic people for the reason that most of your body glucose will be consumed by the muscle tissues and the more you are to put them in use, the better you will be able to manage your blood sugar.

While one of the frequently followed strength-building methods is weight training, you have all the liberty to leverage own body weight for increasing your stamina with the help of planks and pull-ups.

When you are planning for a weight training regimen, do make a point to get acquainted with the nitty-gritty of using all the machines and fitness equipment. Feel free to inquire from the gymnasium staff and learn how to appropriately make use of the weights, or if you have enough money to afford a personal trainer, get one at the earliest convenience and start practicing the exercises that are deemed best for you.

Lifting weights for twenty to thirty minutes twice or thrice every week is enough to reap the complete benefits that strength training offers.


Religiously following a flexibility training program will help improve the overall functioning of your joints and muscles. Do remember to stretch prior to an exercise and after it to relax your muscles and reduce their soreness. To suffice, post-exercise stretching is comparatively more beneficial for you.


But I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified. (1 Corinthians 9:27)

Make exercise a priority and commit now. As your long-term well-being depends on how active you are, motivate yourself and invest time today for a healthier tomorrow. Engaging in regular exercise will aid you in getting rid of excess weight, if applicable, and will optimize your body so that it can be able to utilize insulin and glucose with utmost efficiency.